UFC President Dana White speaks at RNC

UFC President Dana White has always been a polarizing figure.

He has always been outspoken and has remained unbothered by public opinion.

White again has shown his political support behind President Donald Trump leading up to the 2020 election.

Dana spoke Thursday as part of the final night of the Republican  National Convention. In a five minute pre-recorded speech White showed his support and endorsed Trump for reelection.

“Many of you know who I am, what I do, and that I am friends with the president. I spoke at this convention four years ago, and I’m back because I believe we need President Trump’s leadership now more than ever,” White said to open his speech.

White transitioned to COVID-19 and the role he played of part of the task force of business leaders chosen by Trump to help get the country ou of the economic downturn.

“Let’s talk about COVID, and let’s be very honest about it,” White said. “No one person and no one place could’ve anticipated the challenges that COVID would bring. But President Trump has faced all these obstacles head on.

He immediately put protective measures in place, and he reached out to the best and the brightest leading American businesses across all industries to discuss what he and his administration could do to get the economy back up and running safely.”

White has said for yeats that Trump was loyal to him and the UFC and he will return the loyalty.

“Make no mistake about it, we still have a long way to go,” White said. “And that is why we need a leader with President Trump’s unique attributes at this critical time.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again: He is one of the most loyal human beings I’ve ever met. The man has unstoppable energy – no one, and I mean no one, is going to outwork this guy. But most importantly, he truly loves and believes in our country. He believes in the people of this country.”

“… While we certainly have experienced a ton of negativity in 2020, President Trump’s mindset is to work tirelessly to find solutions to problems and help restore America.

He did it once, and I’m telling you right now, he will do it again. And remember: President Trump may be the only president in modern times who has actually done everything he’s said he would do during his campaign.

“… Ladies and gentlemen, let’s reelect President Trump, let’s figure out what the problems are and continue to find solutions to those problems, then let’s get to work.”

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